The Politics of Global Governance. International Organizations in an Interdependent World edited by Paul F Diehl


There are two predominant views of international organizations among the general public. The first is a cynical view that emphasizes the dramatic rhetoric and seeming inability to deal with vital problems that are said to characterize international organizations and the United Nations in particular. According to this view, mirrored in some realist formulations, international organizations should be treated as insignificant actors on the international stage. The other view is an idealistic one. . .

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Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder London, Third Edition, 2005, 513 S., Softcover, sehr gut erhalten, 710gr., 23 x 15.5 x 3cm, Sprache: Englisch, ISBN 1-58826-328-2

Zusätzliche Information

Gewicht0,71 kg
Größe23 × 15,5 × 3 cm

Produktanfrage The Politics of Global Governance. International Organizations in an Interdependent World edited by Paul F Diehl